Trademark search steps

1. What is trademark search?

A trademark search is a search for a registered trademark by the owner or organization authorized by the owner of the mark to assess the possibility of a trademark registration before filing an official application.
Note: The trademark registration process does not require prior searching before filing a trademark application.


2. Purpose of trademark search

The purpose of a trademark search is to see if the mark intended to be registered is identical or similar to another person’s trademark registered in Vietnam for the same type of product or similar service. From there, it is possible to make a preliminary assessment of whether the intended trademark is likely to be rejected for obvious reasons, or evaluate whether the trademark you are looking for is likely to infringe the trademark of another party. other or not.
Searching helps businesses not only save money but also save time (usually, the registration period lasts from 18-24 months).


3. Procedures for trademark search at the NOIP’s electronic library

The Trademark Search procedure will be done through the following steps:
Step 1: Go to:*:*
Step 2: Enter the trademark information you want to look up in the search mark box:
For example: In the search brand box, enter the word HONDA, the Nice classification group will enter group 12 (cars, motorbikes)
Then click on the search button, which will bring up the results of the HONDA trademarks for the group of 12 submitted as shown below.
Step 3: Click on the search button to get the trademark search results
After performing the above steps in turn, the results will be displayed on the screen for reference and assessment whether the trademark you look up is the same or similar to another’s trademark or not?
Note: The above-mentioned trademark search is for reference only and the results are only 40-50% accurate because the above online data will not be fully applied by the time of filing the application. . However, this form of lookup is completely free.


4. In-depth trademark search at NOIP

When proceeding in this way, the customer will authorize the IP rights representative organization to work with the expert to conduct a trademark search dossier for the expert, who will directly search on the database. of the NOIP.
With this form of search, customers can be completely assured of the search results and can evaluate over 90% of the registrability of the mark to decide whether to register or not?
Note: Unlike the preliminary trademark search above, this search will incur a search fee.

5. Trademark search records

To conduct a trademark search, customers need to prepare information and documents for the search, including specifically as follows:
– Information of the intended trademark (soft file is best)
– Information about the product/service that the mark wants to register. Example: Registration for fashion products, cars, motorbikes
After having all the above information, we will conduct a search in one of the two ways mentioned above.

Above is the advice of Khoa Tin Law on: “Steps for trademark search”

In case customers have unclear problems or need to discuss further, please call us immediately at 0983.533.005 for a free consultation.

Best regards./.