Promotion notification procedure

To organize trade promotion activities, traders must carry out administrative procedures for notifying the implementation of sales promotion to competent state agencies. Mandatory notification to state agencies does not apply to all promotions, but only in certain cases.

1. Documents to be prepared for promotion registration

  1. The original registration for the implementation of the promotion program, made according to form No. 02 in the Appendix issued together with Decree 81/2018/ND-CP.
  2. The original of the promotion program rules.
  3. Sample of proof of winning or a detailed description of proof of winning, made according to form No. 03 in the Appendix issued with
  4. Decree 81/2018/ND-CP.
  5. Notarized copies of documents on the quality of promotional goods as prescribed by law.
  6. Other documents as prescribed in each certain case.

2. Promotion registration procedure

Traders shall submit promotional registration dossiers at the Department of Industry and Trade of the province where the promotion takes place and may only implement the promotion program when receiving a written confirmation from the Department of Industry and Trade. In case sales promotion is carried out in 02 provinces or more, it is necessary to submit a promotion registration dossier to the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

To submit dossiers, traders can use some of the following methods: directly submit dossiers at the head office of competent state management agencies; submitted by post at the nearest post office of the person submitting the application. In addition, for the convenience of quick and simple registration, saving time and travel costs, traders can choose to register online by using the public service system provided by the Department of Industry and Trade. provided to each province.

Time for processing the application for registration of a promotion program: 05 working days from the date of receipt of the application, the competent state management agency shall decide whether the application is valid or invalid. In case the dossier is invalid, the competent state management agency will not confirm and clearly state the reason for the refusal and request amendments and supplements. In case the application is valid, the licensing registration agency will issue a certificate of implementation of the promotion program according to the content registered in the application. After that, the trader implements the promotion program according to the contents certified by the registration authority.

3. Some points to pay attention to when implementing promotions

– In case it is required to deduct 50% of the value of the prize without a winner to the state budget, within 07 working days from the date of receipt of the trader’s report, the state management agency shall issue a decision. determined to collect and pay 50% of the announced value of the prize without a winner of the promotion program according to form No. 08 Appendix issued with Decree 81/2018/ND-CP.

– Enterprises may not arbitrarily terminate the promotion program before the announced deadline, except in force majeure cases or forced to suspend by a competent state management agency.

– The maximum discount limit is not applied when conducting promotions to reduce prices for: Goods and services when implementing the state’s price stabilization policy; fresh food products; goods and services in case the enterprise is dissolved, goes bankrupt, changes location, production and business lines.

– Failing to set conditions for customers to enjoy promotions that are to give up, refuse or exchange goods and services of other traders or organizations.

– Do not use lottery results to determine winning results, as a basis for gifts and rewards in promotional programs.

– The total duration of promotion in the form of discounts for a type of brand of goods or services must not exceed 120 days in a year.

Above is the advice of Khoa Tin Law on “Promotion announcement procedure”.

In case customers have unclear issues or need to discuss further, please call us immediately at 0983.533.005 for a free consultation.

Best regards./.

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